We are the center for diagnosing and treating Myalgic Encefalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Long Covid, and fatigue.
We are available for anyone with questions.
You can make an appointment for a (free) telephone call / video consultation via
Our address in the Netherlands is
ME/CFS Medical Centre
Entrada 233
1114AA Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
+31 20 470 6290
For intercollegial consulation:
Our address in France
8 Rue d’Esternay
Neuvy (51310)
+33 6 08663534
Expansion of Our Podcast Starting January 1, 2025
Starting January 1, 2025, we are expanding our podcast with an interactive program. In this new format, we will answer questions about ME/CFS and Long COVID, and you, as a listener, can actively join the conversation.
For now, we will publish one episode per month. In these episodes, we will address your questions and provide a platform to discuss the topics that matter to you.
You can submit your questions; we’ll include them in the broadcast. Additionally, we offer the opportunity for a conversation, where we’ll coordinate a suitable recording time together. We are flexible in this regard.
Do you have questions or requests? Send them to:
We look forward to taking this new step in our podcast journey together with you!
**ME/CFS and Long COVID: What You Need to Know**
ME/CFS and Long COVID are complex syndromes that greatly affect the functioning of our body. You were healthy, and now you can do little to nothing.
**Our Approach**
People see ME/CFS and Long COVID solely as complex syndromes, but we break them down into sub-syndromes such as metabolic, orthostatic, and immune syndromes. An issue in our energy production can feel like you’re constantly running on an ’empty battery.’ An orthostatic syndrome can cause many symptoms when sitting or standing, and an active immune system can lead to symptoms like brain fog and fatigue. Fortunately, we are familiar with these syndromes, understand their interconnections, and know how to treat them.
**Our Treatment**
Your treatment begins with five video sessions. Here, we gather essential information through targeted questions and measurements. Based on this data, we treat the identified sub-syndromes using conventional medications and supplements to make your body function optimally again.
Across Europe, we have successfully helped patients through this approach. However, it’s essential to remember that treatment requires time, patience, and collaboration. Complete healing isn’t achievable yet, but improved functioning is.
**Interested in More?**
Would you like to learn more about us? Discover our treatment on the other pages of our website.
**ME/CFS et Long COVID : Ce que vous devez savoir**
ME/CFS et Long COVID sont des syndromes complexes qui affectent grandement le fonctionnement de notre corps. Vous étiez en bonne santé, et maintenant vous pouvez faire peu ou rien du tout.
**Notre Approche**
Les gens perçoivent le ME/CFS et le Long COVID uniquement comme des syndromes complexes, mais nous les subdivisons en sous-syndromes tels que métabolique, orthostatique et immunitaire. Un problème dans notre production d’énergie peut donner l’impression que vous fonctionnez constamment avec une ‘batterie vide’. Un syndrome orthostatique peut causer de nombreux symptômes lors de la position assise ou debout, et un système immunitaire actif peut entraîner des symptômes tels que le brouillard cérébral et la fatigue. Heureusement, nous connaissons ces syndromes, comprenons leurs interconnexions et savons comment les traiter.
**Notre Traitement**
Votre traitement commence par cinq sessions vidéo. Ici, nous recueillons des informations essentielles à travers des questions ciblées et des mesures. Sur la base de ces données, nous traitons les sous-syndromes identifiés à l’aide de médicaments conventionnels et de suppléments pour que votre corps fonctionne à nouveau de manière optimale.
À travers l’Europe, nous avons aidé avec succès des patients grâce à cette approche. Cependant, il est essentiel de se souvenir que le traitement nécessite du temps, de la patience et de la collaboration. La guérison complète n’est pas encore possible, mais une amélioration du fonctionnement l’est.
**Intéressé par Plus d’Informations ?**
Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur nous? Découvrez notre traitement sur les autres pages de notre site web.
**ME/CFS und Long COVID: Was Sie wissen müssen**
ME/CFS und Long COVID sind komplexe Syndrome, die die Funktionsweise unseres Körpers stark beeinflussen. Sie waren gesund und können jetzt wenig bis gar nichts tun.
**Unser Ansatz**
Die meisten Menschen sehen ME/CFS und Long COVID ausschließlich als komplexe Syndrome. Wir jedoch unterteilen sie in Unter-Syndrome wie metabolische, orthostatische und immunologische Syndrome. Ein Problem in unserer Energieproduktion kann sich so anfühlen, als würden Sie ständig mit einer “leeren Batterie” laufen. Ein orthostatisches Syndrom kann beim Sitzen oder Stehen viele Symptome verursachen, und ein aktives Immunsystem kann zu Symptomen wie Gedächtnisnebel und Müdigkeit führen. Glücklicherweise kennen wir diese Syndrome, verstehen ihre Zusammenhänge und wissen, wie man sie behandelt.
**Unsere Behandlung**
Ihre Behandlung beginnt mit fünf Videositzungen. Hier sammeln wir durch gezielte Fragen und Messungen wesentliche Informationen. Basierend auf diesen Daten behandeln wir die identifizierten Unter-Syndrome mit herkömmlichen Medikamenten und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, um Ihren Körper wieder optimal funktionieren zu lassen.
In ganz Europa haben wir Patienten mit diesem Ansatz erfolgreich geholfen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu bedenken, dass die Behandlung Zeit, Geduld und Zusammenarbeit erfordert. Eine vollständige Heilung ist noch nicht erreichbar, aber eine verbesserte Funktion schon.
**Möchten Sie mehr erfahren?**
Möchten Sie mehr über uns erfahren? Entdecken Sie unsere Behandlung auf den anderen Seiten unserer Webseite.
Nicotine for Long COVID update December 21, 2024:
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed millions of lives worldwide, is now followed by a wave of chronic conditions, often referred to as Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) or Long COVID. There is no proven treatment for Long COVID, leading patients and researchers to explore potential therapeutic options.
Treatment of Long COVID and ME/CFS with Ketotifen (Zaditen ®)
Ruud C.W. Vermeulen, PhD and Marten H. Otten, MD, PhD
Long COVID and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are debilitating chronic conditions with overlapping symptoms, including fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and post-exertional malaise. Emerging evidence suggests that mast cell dysfunction may contribute to these symptoms.
In this section, we share our thoughts and examples of patients. To protect their privacy, we ensure that these medical histories are described so they cannot be traced back to existing patients.
BHB is a ketone. Ketones are the backup system for carbohydrates. When carbohydrate is not available, the body makes ketones from fats. A corresponding system exists for fats. When fat is insufficiently available, the body uses more proteins.
We start by collecting data. The questionnaires provide information to understand which complaints and symptoms of ME/CFS or Long COVID exist. We have agreements in Europe regarding laboratory tests. This is intended to prevent people coming to us who could be better helped elsewhere. Therefore, we see it as assistance for the general practitioner. The laboratory tests are not intended for diagnosis.
First video session
Then, there follows a first video session in which we discuss your medical history, sleep, activities, and illness.
Scientific Research and Publications:
In 2003, we published our first article, reporting on our research on chronically fatigued patients. The following year 2004, our first randomized study on patients with ME/CFS was published. Since then, we have regularly published our scientific research and treatment of CFS/ME. We believe that treatment and scientific research are inseparable, and we continuously test and provide accountability for our work in scientific journals through our Center.
We have an anonymous quality control.
Patients give us the following score:
The Center 9.5 / 10
The practitioner 9.6 / 10
The treatment 9.0 / 10
The result of the treatment 8.3 / 10
Date: 7 – March – 2023
Treatment of ME/CFS and Long COVID with Low-Dose Naltrexone
Treatment of ME/CFS and Long COVID with Low-Dose Naltrexone In addition to autoimmune diseases, there is also interest [...]